Posh and Style shares with you tips and trends on how you can look fabulous, without the need to break the bank. Looking good need not be expensive; it's all about attitude (yours).
We deliver tips, tricks and hints on how you can look good, but looking great is on how you apply the rules. Like artists who can start with the same tools and color palettes, your masterpiece is entirely your own making, and should not be a replica of someone else.
Photo credit: Posheyewear.com |
Let us start with reading glasses. Men's reading glasses, as well as women's reading glasses, can "make" or "break" the first 20 seconds one has in creating a favorable impression on others. You can be a fashion-victim, not by what you wear below the neck, but above it. We have lots of awesome tips on how you can avoid buying the wrong pair for your eyes and face.
You can read a lot of tips here on how you should choose a pair of reading glasses and sun-readers that improve the way you look, and not waste it.
Photo credit: SpeechPrivacySystems.com |
Next, we deliver valuable information on modern gadgets you can flick on for a restful sleep, or simply to whisk stress away. We call them "white noise machines", you can call them "sleep aids", or whatever name you like. Bottom line, we believe that they work as advertised by their manufacturers, and deserve a space on this blog. We believe that looking and feeling "posh" always begins with a good sleep.
We also share with you valuable information about career and home life, the internet and multi-media, including news and views that are shaping the world at this time.
In a nutshell, Posh and Style is all about sharing information with you on how you can live your life - with posh and in style - without the huge price tag.
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